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The Prince’s Trust wanted to drive a dramatic increase in legacy income in 10 years’ time by increasing the number of pledgers from 25 to 600 enquirers/pledgers a year.

They wanted to do this, at least in part, through developing a new legacy proposition.

Our survey identified a number of legacy pledgers and considerers who were all extremely supportive of The Prince’s Trust. The survey also found that 61% of respondents hadn’t thought about writing their Will or including a gift to The Prince’s Trust. So, lots of potential.


Building confidence and self-esteem in young people really inspired the audience, so showing how The Princes Trust helps support those with mental health issues could be important going forward to engage potential legators.

Young people need to be given an identity and a name so they’re more relatable, and making it very clear how the Trust helped them is important. There needs to be that clear link.

Members felt strongly that lots of young people in need of help don’t necessarily come from a tough background, so the messaging needs to be inclusive.


We tested 4 different propositions. The preferred proposition was ‘Believe’, which underpinned the values of the Trust.

All it takes for a young person to get their life on track is someone to believe in them.

We also produced a legacy marketing guidelines booklet and conducted training sessions to help convey the new proposition throughout the organisation.