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Our new research programme will help you accelerate your journey to securing significant gifts from high-net-worth individuals.

Starting in mid-June 2024, this 6-month research programme aims to equip legacy fundraisers with the knowledge and confidence to build a high value legacy strategy.

This will be evidence-based, yet practical aiming to give you tangible ways to implement the learnings immediately. You will learn:

  • Improve your understanding about major donors and how legacies fit into their charitable giving strategies.
  • Understand more about major donor fundraisers’ attitudes to including gifts in wills in their conversations
  • Explore the different vehicles of giving major donor fundraisers use and where they see gifts in wills sitting within those options
  • Identify the best ways to talk about and engage with major donors about legacy giving

Meet the team

Anna Turner, Head of Research & Insight

Claire Routley

Dr Claire Routley, Head of Consultancy

Research Approach

This research programme aims to uncover insights around working with major donors and HNWIs to help charities better communicate, collaborate, steward and interact with them around legacy giving.

Our approach to learning is to immerse you in the subject with a group of like-minded individuals over a period of months. This way you will be able to absorb the learnings and be supported to apply the learnings within your own charity.

We will learn together through a range of ways:

  • Desk Research - gathering existing research and evidence from fundraising and related sectors
  • Members survey - exchanging knowledge and best practice from participating charities
  • Case Studies - spotlighting tangible examples of best practice from around the world
  • Stakeholder research - speaking to high net worth individuals, major donors fundraisers and other professionals
  • Online workshops - join your peers for two virtual workshops to share learnings and

By joining a research consortium, you will share the cost with other members as well as benefiting from the shared knowledge and experience in the group.


The programme will run for 6 months, kicking off in June with a final workshop and research report in December 2024. By the end of the year you will have transformed your knowledge and will be able to implement the learnings in your legacy strategy.


The cost per organisation to join the programme is based on your charity’s average legacy income, from the previous 3 financial years, drawn from Charity Commission data:

Over £3m: £3,300+VAT

Under £3m: £2,200+VAT

The standard invoice date will be Monday 10th June 2024.

Want to know more?

For more information or to sign up for the programme, contact Claire Truswell