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Science of Supporter Journeys

Welcome to the Legacy Futures Masterclass: The Science of Supporter Journeys!

Join us for an exciting in-person event where you'll dive deep into the world of supporter journeys. Learn about the latest strategies and techniques to engage with your legacy supporters effectively as you seek to move them from consideration to action and beyond. This masterclass is perfect for anyone looking to enhance their understanding of supporter relationships and create effective stewardship strategies for their legacy supporters. Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your supporter engagement game!

Only around half of the people who say they plan to leave a legacy will go on to give, and the figures are even lower for those who only ever express an interest in giving in this way. Converting and retaining more of these supporters is arguably one of the biggest opportunities in legacy fundraising.

But in order to hold on to more of these supporters, we have to offer them compelling experiences – and, importantly, those experiences have to fit together into a donor journey. In the case of legacy fundraising, that journey has to span years if not decades.

The Masterclass was like nothing else I've attended. It was well produced, managed and delivered...it allowed you to step out of your comfort zone and fully embrace the time to think, reflect and learn. Jordan Miller Hughes, Legacy Manager, NHS Charities Together

We will explore what research can tell us about designing effective legacy donor journeys. We’ll explore the journeys for those who express an interest in legacy, and for those who have pledged their support, as well as considering the practical steps to designing an ideal donor journey.

Speakers: Hosted by Ashley Rowthorn, this in-person session will feature sessions led by Dr Claire Routley, Dr Lucy Lowthian from Legacy Future's Gifts in Wills team and Doug Clow, Head of Analysis.

Location: The venue is Coram Campus near Russell Square tube station.

Date & Time: Wednesday 18th September, 10am - 4pm with lunch and all refreshments provided.

Cost: Ticket's are £250 (+VAT) but use the discount code EARLYBIRD20 to unlock a saving of £50 but hurry because this code is only valid until 1st August.

Use the button below to book now or email Claire Truswell if you have any questions.