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Sarah has been a fundraiser for the last 15 years, specialising in Legacies for the last 7.

She has gained experience in all aspects of legacy fundraising, but has a special interest in estate administration, especially in Scottish law.

After doing some volunteering with a charity 15 years ago, they offered her a permanent position in their admin and database team where she got to experience the day to day running of a charity and see how all the different areas work, progressing onto Community and Corporate Fundraising. When she took over as Trust and Legacy Fundraiser at a local hospice, she quickly realised that legacies were her a special point of interest and dedicated herself to learning as much as possible. A chance position came up at Erskine Veteran's Charity, a large Scottish veteran's charity based a mile from her home to be their legacy manager and taking over from someone who had been there for 25 years, which she jumped at and has been there since 2019.

Sarah completed the CiCLA qualification through the lockdown in 2020 and led her team to win the "Best Legacy Campaign award" at the Scottish Fundraising Awards 2023. They were also nominated for "Legacy Campaign of the Year (over £3m income)" at the Smee & Ford Legacy Giving Awards 2024. She is due to start the DiCLA for further professional development.

Sarah also sits on the committee of the Scottish Legacy Forum and regularly presents on various areas of legacy fundraising, whether that be administration, events or stewardship. She is always happy to help smaller charities starting out with their legacy journey, or advise on complex cases.

When she's not working, Sarah spends time with her young daughter and shows her 3 dogs (1 very elderly and grumpy pug, and 2 very excitable Tibetan Spaniels!) at shows up and down the country - a hobby she's had since childhood, and volunteers with a local cancer support group who helped her enormously through her own cancer experience.


Legacy Consultant