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As we move further into the 21st century, the will-making landscape will be very different, with significant legal, social, economic and technological changes all making an impact.

The Charitable Wills in the 21st Century project explored will-making and charitable legacies, both now and into the future, considering the implications for legacy fundraisers and managers.

The project was funded by a consortium of 30 leading charities, who have agreed to share these six key lessons with the wider sector.

We believe that Millennials are likely to be the first generation to widely adopt online will-making Charitable Wills in the 21st Century Briefing Report

In this report you will learn

  • How the meaning of wills changes over time
  • The legal sector is undergoing huge change
  • Online wills are here to stay
  • How charity wills are an increasingly important make up of overall will writing