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Our investigations focused on people participating in fundraising events in memory of a close friend or family member.

The theme of the 2014/15 research programme was fundraising in-memory through events. The people we interviewed in our focus groups talked of how the event gave them comfort, an opportunity to remember and in some cases, a sense of closure. This report summarises key conclusions of the consumer research, based on both survey research and focus groups. We are grateful to our learning circle members for agreeing to share these insights more widely.

The Omnibus data showed that almost two thirds of in-memory events (63%) were ‘sporting’, with a further 7% described as ‘challenge’ events In-Memory Insight. Fundraising in-memory through events

In this report you will learn

  • How age and gender affects this area of giving
  • In-memory versus ‘regular’ fundraising
  • Charity vs self-organised events
  • What more can charities do?