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Legacy Foreight and Remember A Charity have released a new report highlighting the growth and breadth of the Scottish legacy market, sharing insights and recommendations from charity legacy experts to help those at the start of their legacy fundraising journey. 

The Scottish Legacy Market Report 2023 shares statistics that reveal how legacy giving to Scottish charities is showing a year-on-year rise, with the latest data from SCVO showing that it reached £136mn in 2020/2021.

Gifts in Wills are the largest single source of voluntary income for charities in the UK, and raise almost £3.9 billion for good causes annually. Whilst Scotland’s legacy market is younger than that of England and Wales, the report says it is seeing considerable long-term growth, with hundreds of charities of all sizes now being named in Wills each year.

The fundraising market is becoming increasingly challenging and competitive but for those charities who continue to invest in legacy fundraising it remains resilient and we continue to see legacy income on an upward trajectory. Whilst the Scottish market is relatively small, it is clear that Scotland is on a similar trend to that of the UK as a whole, and the forecast for charity legacies remains promising. Kath Horsley, Director of Insight at Legacy Foresight

In this report you will learn

  • Legacy income for Scottish charities
  • The Scottish Market Explained
  • How to fundraise in a cost-of-living crisis