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Hospices need to make sure they remain front and centre in the minds of their donors.

The programme offers best in class training in legacy fundraising and administration, expert technical advice, and valuable market intelligence. It will provide a forum to share experiences and ideas through facilitated online workshops; as well as the opportunity to collaborate on common initiatives such as pooled research projects or benchmarking.

The Hospice Legacy Circle is convened by Legacy Futures in collaboration with David Burland of db associates. The programme offers a range of group benefits based on a paid for yearly membership, on a cycle running from October to July.

Legacy Futures Team

Legacy gifts are vital to the Hospice sector – providing almost £180m of funding every year.

Logos of hospice consortium members

Securing your Legacy Future Report

This report is aims to shine a spotlight on the opportunities and threats facing the Hospice sector, and to encourage more of them to reach their legacy potential.

What you get when you join the Hospice Legacy Circle

Online workshops

  • The Hospice Legacy Circle kicks off with an online presentation to introduce this year’s benchmarking as well as an update on the latest legacy market trends and forecasts, and crucially what they mean for hospices.
  • 3 further online workshops offering tailor-made tools and advice on legacy marketing, administration, and forecasting (see the box below) with tangible learning and ‘how to guides’ following each session. Sessions will be 2.5 hours long and include a workshop element
  • Bringing it altogether – a final workshop to include; analysis of this year’s benchmarking, lessons learned from the workshops, themes for next year and actions to take away


  • Our interactive data dashboards allow you to understand the legacy market overall, examine patterns in your own performance and compare these to other hospices individually or to the hospice sector overall. The air ambulance and NHS/hospital trust sectors are also included for comparison.
  • (New for 2023) Hospice members will be asked to submit a confidential survey to give us a better understanding of your current legacy income and your legacy marketing investment. We will use this data to share anonymised, aggregated results to the consortium, to help you better benchmark yourself amongst your Hospice peers. 

Individual support

  • (New for 2023) An individual evaluation on your website’s legacy pages, together with a tailored report on how to optimise it for better engagement
  • Individual online coaching for each Hospice member to make sure you are getting the most value out of your Hospice membership

Annual cost

£2,200 + VAT (2023 cost)

If you wish to access the back catalogue of workshop presentations from the first two years of the programme, this is available for an additional £1000 plus VAT.

Hospice Legacy Circle Brochure

Collaboration in Action- how you can get involved.

Based on the Hospice Circle learnings we reviewed all our materials and research and are using this to inform our workplans and decide on our priorities. We found the session on Stewardship particularly helpful and found the whole programme really underlined the importance of treating people as individuals rather than putting them in boxes as defined by the Hospice or Legacy team. Gary Moyle – Head of Legacy, Statutory and Trusts Giving, Martlets Hospice

Claire Truswell

Want to know more?

Contact Claire Truswell for more information