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We collect hard evidence to inform in-memory fundraising strategies and convince senior management of the value of in-memory giving.

We work closely with a learning circle of leading charities – over ninety in the past twelve years – who agree to pool their budgets, experiences and data together to help build evidence and insight.

How In-Memory Insight can help you

  • Enhance your in-memory fundraising strategy and communications
  • Stay up to date with the with the latest trends in in-memory giving and fundraising
  • Assess your performance against the market and your closest peers
  • Present evidence to prove the value of  in-memory to your charity
  • Network with fellow fundraisers, discussing experiences and sharing best practice
Legacy Futures Team

Exploring the size, shape and scope of in-memory giving in the UK

Very worth while. The In-Memory Insight programme is engaging, insightful and always delivers the needed broader perspective for this field. Highly recommend. Ellie Beach, In Memory Officer.Cats Protection

How it works

In-Memory Insight is a rolling research programme, with each year building on the one before. Since 2011 we have explored a series of themes including: fundraising in-memory through events (2014/15), charities’ use of in-memory products (2015/16), the use of social and digital media in memory (2016/17), and the role of Funeral Directors in in-memory donations (2017/18), understanding in-memory stewardship (2019/20), adapting to the in-memory landscape after the pandemic (2020/21), in-memory goes digital (2021/22) and Remembering Together – the role of groups in in-memory fundraising (2022/3).

For 2023/24 our research revisited the area of in-memory products and explored what has changed and what’s next for in-memory products.

In-Memory Public Briefing 2023

Our research in 2022/23 had a dual focus, scoping the in-memory market to get a snapshot of current in-memory giving in terms of the demographics of donors, amounts given, channels used to donate, cause areas donated to and motivations; and looking in detail at group in-memory fundraising.

What’s next for In-Memory Products?

In-memory products are defined as “anything a charity can offer people – as part of a transaction – to satisfy their desire, or need, to remember a loved one”. In 2015, our In-Memory Insight project, Lifting the Lid on In-Memory Products, mapped the in-memory products landscape for charities. The programme looked at which products were in use, and how charities were using them, how in-memory supporters were engaging with them, and how the products were meeting their particular needs.

Eight years on, post COVID, the in-memory landscape looks quite different. Talking about death, grief and mourning has increased in prominence in general culture while the societal shift to online and the increase in online opportunities for communication, interaction, commerce and remembrance has had a huge impact on in-memory giving.

During this project, we are took a fresh look at the market for in-memory products and mapping out how the landscape looks now.

This research programme provided our learning circle members with:

  • A clearer, fuller view of the in-memory product landscape in 2023/24
  • An idea of how the landscape is evolving as well as the potential areas of future interest or growth
  • A sense of supporters’ changing attitudes towards, and appetite for, potential new product areas as well as ideas for new products that could be rolled out.
  • Practical guidance on how to tailor, adopt or apply new in-memory products in your organisation

We also ran our annual Benchmarking as part of the programme.

This programme reported findings to the consortium in February 2024. A public briefing report will be published later in 2024.

Caroline Waters

Want to know more?

For more information on In-Memory Insight please contact Caroline Waters.