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We have been running the In-memory Insight programme for over ten years and are leaders in the field.

If you are new to In-memory giving we help you to get the basics in place. We look at sector insight and best practice, and your audiences, needs and touchpoints.

When you’re ready to lift your Programme to the next level, we’re here to help shape that step-change and to get you there. We'll use our unique knowledge of the market and of your charity to help you define your ambition for in-memory, working with you collaboratively to create a strategic plan over 3-5 years. This will include a vision and mission for your in-memory work, a set of measurable objectives, and the main foundations you’ll need in place to achieve these. We can also support you further with tactical/ operational plans to sit below your strategic plan.

Everything we do is based on insight into the motivations unique to your key audiences. We can build on your own work or devise research to fit your needs:

  • Supporter survey to measure factors like trust in your cause and their potential to leave a gift.
  • Interviews and groups, whether pledgers, individual givers, major donors, volunteers, colleagues, solicitors, lay executors, and so on.
  • Creative testing with warm supporters and cold prospects.

We knew there was more we could do with in-memory but we just weren’t sure where to start. Legacy Voice enabled us to evaluate all aspects of our in-memory fundraising, from how colleagues across the charity felt about our work, to our long-term stewardship of donors. ​ They told us where we were performing strongly, encouraging us to build on our strengths, while indicating where we might do better. ​ Their insight and expertise will prove invaluable as we develop our in-memory fundraising offer. Julie Edwards, Legacy and In-Memory Fundraising Manager at the Macular Society​

Kate Jenkinson

Want to know more?

For more information contact Kate Jenkinson.